Custom Static Site Generator (SSG)

Written originally to implement the 'projects' page for this site, this SSG enables users (me) to more generically write HTML templates and Markdown documents.

Why not use x?

While I am aware of many SSGs (Jekyll, Hugo, etc), I decided that I wanted to try out making my own! It only really supports what I need it to, such as putting named content in HTML, if/foreach, and calculating basic sums.

Can I use it?

Currently? No. It is a goal to disconnect it from this website structure, so that others can use it. But first I want to remove more of the magic words, and place them into the config.yml

What languages does it use?

This project uses yaml, regex, and Markdown inside Python 3.10. The Files are Non-Standard Markdown (with a YAML header), and HTML (with SSG syntax), and Standard YAML in the Config File. The Markdown files should mostly work without SSG Processing (Obsidian uses a similar system), but HTML will be visibly artifacted.